4 Risks of Not Having a Business Continuity Plan

Apr 8, 2019

Is a business continuity plan necessary for my company? What are the potential risks we face?

As Murphy’s Law states, “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.” This rings true for many businesses, with 52% experiencing disruptive events in the past five years. Your company may have been among them. One of the primary reasons companies hesitate to implement a Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) plan is often the recent experience of a disruption. But what are the consequences? Without a plan in place, a business risks leaving its community without vital services, and struggles to navigate the aftermath of a disaster.

Dispelling Common Misconceptions 

When it comes to business continuity, there are many common misconceptions. These misconceptions are what most companies use as excuses for not having a business continuity plan

Insurance Covers All Losses 

While insurance can cover some losses, it often excludes significant events like reputational damage, federal violations, or loss of life. Public liability insurance can complement a BCDR plan to mitigate such risks.

We Know What to Do in an Emergency 

While having an emergency response plan is beneficial, it may not adequately prepare for scenarios like tornadoes or floods. In high-stress situations, a pre-defined BCDR plan can help maintain calm and efficient responses.

Lack of Time for Plan Development  

Developing a business continuity plan demands significant time, expertise, and knowledge. Despite the investment in time, money, and effort, the benefits outweigh the costs. With years of experience and expert consultants, Preparis assists companies in safeguarding against unforeseen events so your organization can keep operating.

See Preparis Planner in Action

Preparis Planner is an intuitive business continuity planning and preparation tool that streamlines, simplifies, and supports your BC management process. Preparis Planner has been developed to help your business go from reactive to proactive with its business continuity planning.

Why is Having a Business Continuity Plan Essential?

Beyond mere misconceptions, significant risks lurk behind the absence of a business continuity and disaster recovery plan. Let's delve deeper into why it's crucial:

1. Compliance Issues & Violations 

Nearly every business, with rare exceptions, must have an Emergency Action Plan (EAP). Unexpected audits can occur at any time, and failure to meet minimum requirements leads to violations and substantial fines.

2. Reputation Management 

Even giant corporations like Facebook, whose core function is communication, can falter during a crisis. While clients may understand accidents happen, they expect swift responses from businesses. How a company handles a crisis can shape its reputation for many years after the initial incident.

3. Safety Concerns

Regardless of the incident type, safeguarding employees and customers is paramount. Companies lacking robust business continuity plans face greater challenges in ensuring safety. Investing in modern continuity technology, like Preparis Alerts, enables efficient communication during emergencies, potentially saving lives. In a life or death scenario, tools like this can make all the difference.

breakdown of steps

4. Financial Implications

Financial losses are a common consequence of lacking a business continuity plan. Costs from business interruptions vary widely, ranging from millions due to fires, storms, or water damage. Prolonged downtime exacerbates losses. Comprehensive continuity plans mitigate downtime, improve Recovery Time Objectives (RTO), and potentially reduce liability costs.

Having a business continuity plan is akin to having insurance for uninterrupted operations. Explore our services to learn more or connect with us to discuss how we can fortify your business against disruptions.

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